Commercial Sailplane Pilot

  • Civil Aviation Authority
United Kingdom
  • Transport

Regulatory or professional bodies

Primary regulator

Regulatory authority
Civil Aviation Authority

Civil Aviation Authority
Aviation House
South Area
Gatwick Airport RH6

Email address
Phone number
+44 (0)1293 567711


Regulation summary

Under UK Regulation (EU) No. 1178/2011

An Sail Plane Licence (SPL) will allow you to act as pilot in command (PIC) on sailplanes and powered sailplanes. To fly a touring motor glider (TMG), you must also comply with the requirements detailed in extension of privileges to TMG on the LAPL (S) page.
You can only carry passengers when you have completed at least 10 hours of flight time or 30 launches as PIC after your licence has been issued.
You cannot operate commercially, or receive any kind of payment, until you:
1. Are 18 years of age or over
2. Have completed 75 hours of flight time or 200 launches, after your licence has been issued
3. Have passed a proficiency check with an examiner
The exception to this is for holders of a SPL with instructor or examiner privileges, who can be paid for the following:
1. Flight instruction
2. Conducting skill tests and proficiency checks
for the LAPL (S) or SPL and any associated ratings and endorsements.
Launch methods
You will be limited to the launch method included in your skill test. This limit can be removed if you complete the requirements detailed in the launch methods section on the LAPL (S) page.
Recency requirements
You can only fly if you comply with the recency requirements detailed in the keeping your licence current section on the LAPL (S) page.
Experience requirements and crediting
If you do not already hold a licence, you will need to complete 15 hours of flight instruction on sailplanes or powered sailplanes, including the requirements detailed in the experience requirements and crediting section on the LAPL (S) page.
SPL crediting if you hold a LAPL (S)
If you held a LAPL (S) within the two years prior to applying for an SPL then you will be fully credited towards the theoretical knowledge and flight instruction requirements.
SPL crediting if you hold another type of licence
If you hold a pilot’s licence for another type of aircraft, except balloons, you will be credited with 10% of your total flight time as PIC up to a maximum of 7 hours. You will still need to complete the 2 hours of supervised solo flight time, 45 launches and landings and 1 solo cross-country flight of at least 50 km (27 NM) or 1 dual cross-country flight of at least 100 km (55 NM), as the credited flight time cannot be counted towards this requirement.

Regulation type


Reserved activities


Protected titles


More about regulated activities and titles

Qualifications and experience

New professionals

Routes to qualification

Complete a training course at an Approved Training Organisation. Hold a UK Class 2 Medical. Complete theoretical examinations and undertaking flight training. Pass a skills test.

Professionals from outside the UK

Recognition for professionals outside the UK
All - there are routes to recognition for professionals from all countries
Summary of routes

The process of conversion of flight crew ratings are stated within UK Regulation (EU) 2020/723


Registration requirements

Holding a UK licence registers the individual with the CAA.


Title of relevant act or charter

UK Regulation (EU) No. 1178/2011

Title of relevant act or charter


Licence Finder

You may need licences and permits to carry out certain activities in the UK. These are called authorisations. Use the licence finder to find what you need.