Domiciliary Care Worker

  • Social Care Wales
  • Wales
  • Health and care

Regulatory or professional bodies

Primary regulator

Regulatory authority
Social Care Wales

Registration Team, Southgate House
Wood Street
CF10 1EW

Email address
Phone number
+44 (0)3003 033 444


Regulation summary

Domiciliary support services provide care and support for individuals in their own homes. They provide a wide range of support from preventative services, reablement, support for independent living, support with social activities, education and employment.

Domiciliary care support workers provide person-centred care and support for individuals to help them achieve positive outcomes and stay independent in their homes.

Regulation type


Reserved activities

Domiciliary Care Worker

Qualifications and experience

New professionals

Routes to qualification

A full list of qualifications and routes to register can be found on our website

Professionals from other UK nations

Routes to recognition within the UK

Please see the below for information on how to register, and any post-recognition requirements:

Please apply to Social Care Wales and if your qualification has been assessed as equivalent elsewhere in the UK this will be considered as part of our process.

More about recognition within the UK

Professionals from outside the UK

Recognition for professionals outside the UK
None - all professionals must re-qualify
Summary of routes

Please see the below for information on how to register, and any post-recognition requirements:

Social Care Wales are currently reviewing any existing free trade and recognition agreements. In the meantime if you hold a qualification that you think is equivalent and allows you to practise in Wales please share it with us.

More about recognition for professionals outside the UK


Registration requirements

Please see the below for information on how to register, and any post-recognition requirements:

The majority of applicants will need to complete a qualification post-registration.


Title of relevant act or charter

Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016

Licence Finder

You may need licences and permits to carry out certain activities in the UK. These are called authorisations. Use the licence finder to find what you need.