Ozone-Depleting Substances Handler

  • Northern Ireland District Councils
  • Scottish Environment Protection Agency
  • Environment Agency
  • Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
United Kingdom
  • Other

Regulatory or professional bodies

Primary regulator


Nobel House, 17 Smith Square

Phone number
+44 (0)3459 335 577


Regulation summary

The Ozone-Depleting Substances Regulations 2015 establish the minimum training and qualification requirements of persons working with controlled substances.

It is against the law to work with equipment containing controlled substances if you do not have the correct qualifications. The Ozone-Depleting Substances Regulations 2015 provide powers for enforcing authorities to take action against those who fail to comply with this requirement.

Regulation type


Reserved activities

You must have qualifications to:
• check for leaks of controlled substances
• recover controlled substances
• maintain or service equipment that contains controlled substances
• decommission equipment that contains controlled substances

Qualifications and experience

New professionals

Routes to qualification

You must have a relevant qualification issued in the UK.

Professionals from outside the UK

Recognition for professionals outside the UK
None - all professionals must re-qualify
Summary of routes

You must re-qualify with one of our UK-issued ODS qualifications. Please see the link below for more information on routes to re-qualify.


Registration requirements

Please refer to the link below for a list of organisations that award the qualifications required to practise in this field.

Enforcement bodies


Title of relevant act or charter

The Ozone-Depleting Substances Regulations 2015

Website link to legislation

Licence Finder

You may need licences and permits to carry out certain activities in the UK. These are called authorisations. Use the licence finder to find what you need.