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Social Worker

  • Social Work England
  • England
  • Health and care

Regulatory or professional bodies

Primary regulator

Regulatory authority
Social Work England

1 North Bank, Blonk Street
S3 8JY

Phone number
+44 (0)114 349 4308


Regulation summary

Social workers are trained to: make assessments, taking account of a range of factors, including identifying and balancing need, risk, and rights; investigate situations where there is concern over the potential or actual harm of abuse of children or vulnerable adults; intervene to assist and to protect either individuals or communities. Protected titles: Social worker

Regulation type


Reserved activities

The title of 'social worker' is protected in law across the UK. Anyone using this title and who wants to work in: England, must be registered with the Social Work England; Northern Ireland, must be registered with the Northern Ireland Social Care Council (NISCC); Scotland, must be registered with the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC); Wales, must be registered with the Care Council for Wales. For Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland only: only registered social workers with additional appropriate qualifications may carry out the duties of a Mental Health Officer / Approved Mental Health Professional as set out in legislation. Scotland only: only a registered social worker may carry out the role of Chief Social Work Officer.

Protected titles

Social worker

Qualifications and experience

New professionals

Routes to qualification

We hold a list of approved social work courses in England on our webpages. Schedule 1 of The Social Workers Regulations (2018) describes the recognised qualifications.

Professionals from other UK nations

Routes to recognition within the UK

For qualifications gained outside of England you will need to provide your qualification certificate the name and address of your course provider, and the name and address of the awarding body. Your certificate must show the date your qualification was awarded. If it does not, you will need a letter from your institution confirming this date.

We will verify your qualification with the relevant regulator and/or course provider. We accept all social work qualifications that have been approved by the other UK social work regulators.

Professionals from outside the UK

Recognition for professionals outside the UK
All - there are routes to recognition for professionals from all countries
Summary of routes

To register as a social worker, you must have either completed a qualification which we are satisfied is of a standard comparable to an English social work qualification; or undergone training and experience, in the UK or elsewhere, which we are satisfied means you meet the same standards as would be taught in an English social work qualification. To satisfy ourselves of this, we may ask you to take a test of competence.

This process is not limited to those qualified in particular countries. However, we have assessed a list of certain qualifications as meeting a comparable standard. The process might be quicker for holders of these qualifications.

More about recognition for professionals outside the UK


Registration requirements

In order to use the protected title or practise as a social worker in England you will need to register with Social Work England. You will need to hold a recognised qualification, meet the english language requirements and satisfy the regulator that you are capable of safe and effective practise.


Title of relevant act or charter

Social Workers Regulations (2018)

Licence Finder

You may need licences and permits to carry out certain activities in the UK. These are called authorisations. Use the licence finder to find what you need.